Suitable People™ tries very hard to reduce the negative impact of its activities - meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We follow the appropriate guidelines set out by the Sustainable Event Alliance.
We provide people to and run a large number of events for different clients, at different venues and with a wide range of suppliers. Our approach to sustainability is tailored to each event but we have clear cross-event guiding principles for all our event planning and decision-making which we communicate to all the people, events staff and companies we work with
We like venues with energy efficient lighting systems and policies, natural daylight and who source their energy from renewable sources. We specify the use of the most energy efficient options for AV requirements, including specifying LED lighting wherever suitable. Our staff at events are diligent in checking that lighting and equipment are turned off when not required, and we ask our suppliers to do the same.
We plant trees to partly offset carbon emissions. In 2024 so far we have planted Scots pines, silver birch, river birch, honey locust, beech, holly, hornbeam and chequer trees.
We often work in rural settings, but where practicable we favour venues that are local to the guests and are accessible by public transport. Our team car pool where possible and never use taxis to attend events. We choose venues with suitable in-house AV and other required equipment to reduce shipping needs and we always look for ways to consolidate and reduce the number of deliveries required.
We like venues and caterers with good policies on water use and we always try and encourage our clients to opt for tap water or filtered tap water rather than bottled water for their guests.
We like venues which provide fully re-usable equipment, especially for refreshments. We try to ensure that there are no single-use plastics provided at our events. We ensure that as far as possible, all recyclable waste is properly recycled. Following client feedback we built our own facility to compost food wastes naturally.
We encourage the use of electronic communication methods as much as possible and we aim to re-use event materials when we can and if not we ensure they are recyclable.
We like suppliers which have a sustainability policy and where possible we try to use ones close to the event venue. When purchasing event materials we look at where the item is produced and how it is transported. We talk with all suppliers about our sustainable approach to events.
When ordering we try to make sure that all produce is sourced from the UK and encourage our catering partners to do likewise. We try and ensure fish is supplied from sustainable sources.
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